Way of How To Use Vacuum oil Quenching Furnace rightly

First, after reducing the oil volume in the vacuum oil quenching furnace to the oil tank in the standard basket, the distance between the oil surface and its direct surface should be at least 100 mm,

If the distance is less than 100 mm, the temperature of the oil surface will be relatively high, which may lead to the explosion of the vacuum furnace.

Secondly, nitrogen must be introduced before oil is discharged from the vacuum oil quenching furnace, but air cannot be introduced. In order to save costs, many manufacturers do not use nitrogen.

In addition, it is best to inject nitrogen before the workpiece is released, otherwise it is easy to cause the explosion of vacuum furnace equipment.

Third, the workpiece temperature exceeds the limit when draining oil. At this time, the vacuum quenching oil will evaporate, and once it enters the air or oxygen, it will explode.

Fourth, in addition to the heat treatment equipment itself, the quality of vacuum quenching oil itself will also cause explosion accidents, such as quenching oil with low flash point and low ignition point.

Fifth, the size and shape of the workpiece quenched in the vacuum oil quenching furnace is also one of the reasons for the explosion.

Therefore, everyone should pay attention to prevent accidents caused by these reasons. First, the equipment needs to be inspected and maintained regularly.

In order to detect and supplement the oil in the vacuum furnace in time, it is better to have a fixed supplier of vacuum quenching oil,

Because oil from multiple manufacturers is prone to accidents. Secondly, when the quenching size is large, thick and irregular, it is easy to produce a large number of quenching oil products.

Special attention is required; Finally, clean the environment around the workshop to avoid inflammables and explosives and gases distributed around the vacuum furnace.

Post time: Jul-07-2022